Saturday, March 31, 2018

Sex Ed Video: Update

He did it!

He made it through the Sex Ed Video without giggling up a storm!

Everything was intact, if you will. There was no change of clothes needed...although I packed two complete sets of clothes in his backpack that morning. And extra pull-ups. For the child who sometimes needs to take a pee break in the middle of a 15-minute Three Stooges show...god love him...because he's laughing so hard....

According to my source on the inside, Mr G, there were some giggles from all the boys. Because they're fifth grade boys, right? Jesus! Of course they're gonna giggle!

I mean, seriously, I get it, because talking about penises and vaginas takes us out of our comfort zones, especially if, as I'm sure it was for some of the attendees, it's the very first time they'd really ever discussed anything about sexuality. And this video included the intimacies of puberty, and Sweet Jesus, girls actually bleed regularly? And they don't die from it? They'd say Sweet Jesus if their vocabularies included such a thing.

After the 26-minute long Sex Ed Video, there was a discussion and an opportunity for the students to ask questions. The discussion was led by a man who is a highly-respected and retired pediatrician. It was more like they were talking with their elderly grandfathers about puberty. There were also several male teachers in the room. So there was a lot of testosterone floating around. If you will.

The only word I heard about how the girls did was that there was some giggling, and then the female teachers and/or the Bad Ass Pediatric Nurse Practitioner tactfully put the kaibosh on it.

But the boys were, apparently, the best behaved group of boys ever because Dr. T. told them so! I know, right? I mean, seriously?! What the fuck? Because the terms "fifth grade behaved" don't usually go together. But, ok! I'll take it....even though I'm a little skeptical.

It's all good.

There was a question from the good doctor to the group of boys about "anyone have any questions" and Mr. G told me that he asked my son if he had any questions, and my son said yes (good sign). Then Mr. G said that he asked my son something like "What do you have a question about?" or "what do you want to know more about?" And Nathan said "everything!"

Of course.

So, when we got home, we talked about the Sex Ed Video. I asked him what he wanted to know more about...he said everything. Ok...consistency is good....

"Should we all watch the video?" I asked my son.

"Yes! And Daddy and Isaac too!" came his enthusiastic reply.

Because in my house, this video is totally third-grade approved. It may not be in your house, and that's totally cool. But at some point they'll probably see it. And some point soon we'll watch the Sex Ed Video as a family.

And, yes, this stuff makes me a little uneasy because it's my own kids...and it's something we all go through....

But, again, if we don't talk about Human Sexuality with our own children, we're still teaching them about sex and sexuality....we're just teaching them to not talk about it.

And even though my third grader will see the Sex Ed Video soon, I will absolutely discourage him from getting up in front of the class and attempting to teach this lesson when he's in fifth grade.

Just so we're clear.

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