And then the school district called at 9:26 pm Sunday evening, notifying parents that because of Governor Inslee's decision to not allow groups of 50 or more...and 50 or less...that was going into effect on Monday. I didn't get the message until I woke up Monday morning...and it looked like the entire State of Washington was starting to shut down.
I headed into town early to make absolutely sure I had alternative medications in my tool kit. If shit is going down, I'll do everything in my power to help my kid not seize. We agreed that it was ok to leave the boys home alone for 15 minutes if need be; something we never do. My husband had to give two exams at 9 am; we passed each other on the road...they were alone for less than 10.
The boys watched a lot of TV today. I streamed BonnieTV...not really, but my dear friend Bonnie owns Little Rhythms Learning Center and she is using Facebook Live to provide lessons for her students...and whoever wants to watch. She's delightful! Thanks, Bonnie, for doing this for all of us. I'll provide live fact-checking on animals whenever I can--haha! Did you guys know that there are actually three species of elephants? Yup. I learned about three elephant species when this dude named Mike Fay did what's called the Megatransect and trekked across the Congo in 1999; he discovered the third species.
About noon today, the school district superintendent sent a mass email apologizing for the late notice to cancel school, and letting us know they are working to figure out when kids can go to their school and get their stuff. The Super stated this is an unprecedented time, and asked for the our patience. He also encouraged us to use this week as a sort of spring break...and it sounds like there will be some type of instructional support in place for families in the coming days. And I get it. He made a decision to protect students, staff, and faculty...and for this I am thankful. Oh, and the school district is going to be providing meals for free to kids at the schools, in the parking lot.
Really, nobody knows WTAF is going on since all things surrounding Coronavirus are happening so fast. And you can't not hear about it on the radio station from Victoria, BC, and you can't not see it on social media. It is in your face all the time overwhelming and depressing and scary and stressful. And it's ok to feel that way.
But the sun was out today. And it was warm.
So, for our first day of being at home and mostly hunkering down...mostly...I cleaned, because that helps me decompress. And something told me to call the guy who pumps our septic tank...since it's been a while and we're typically home a lot and we'll be home even more...and I'd rather be proactive than reactive...because I sure the fuck don't need to deal with a failed septic system when we end up like Italy on lock-down. Get ready. San Francisco just did it. It could happen. I anticipate it'll start on the I-5 corridor and spread. But, I'm no oracle, you guys. All I'm saying is nobody is immune to this virus, and we all need to practice social distancing, because it's not a snow day.
After the septic guy did his thing, and took my money--and it was full, you guys, like, I'm so glad I listened to my intuition--I finally had my husband alone in the house for two minutes so we could catch-up, since the boys were outside. Next thing I know, my 10-year-old comes down the hall and into our bedroom and says, "Nathan was trying to ride his bike down the slide and fell off!" And everything stopped.
I remained calm and walked outside. Oh Fucking CHRIST! THIS is new! I wonder who's idea THIS was! Why TODAY? Of all days when we absolutely do not need to go near a goddamn emergency room! Please don't let anything be broken. And not a hit to his head. When I got to our swing set in the backyard...the one that my kids have been playing on for what will be 10 years this 13-year-old was sitting up, with his bike helmet off, the bike on the ground, and scratches on the left side of his face, some mulch on his left shoulder and left knee. I think his Crocs fell off...? Or maybe he took them off before he climbed up? Who fuckin knows?
So it scared the shit out of him. And I'm really really REALLY thankful we opted for rubber mulch because he basically bounced. Kinda. I assessed his joints asked him if he hurt anywhere. He said "I'm fine, Maaawwwmmm!" So, he was ok...but he also has an incredibly high pain tolerance, because it's part of his autism and it can be scary that time he fell on his fingers and had two hairline fractures but it didn't bother him till the next morning.
I asked him to tell me what happened and he looked at me like I was some kind of dumb bitch and he says, "I FELL!" And he rolled his eyes! It was fantastic! I have these little glimmers of neurotypical teenage development and sass...and it's really pretty funny!
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In the older picture on the right, the bars are horizontal, and in the background. So he carried his bike up those, to the lower deck, which is about 5 feet tall...and then to the upper deck, which is about 7 feet tall...and eventually to the slide where Isaac (purple shirt) is standing. And attempted to ride down. On the first day of Coronavirus: Schooling Optional Eventually, Spring 2020. Totally not on my lesson plan, you guys.
Thank Jesus he's had it drilled into his head from the time he was on a trike that he has to wear a helmet. Because the helmet is toast. Like, in a couple of pieces, it's so disturbing I don't want to put up a picture type of broken.
He managed to get up and walk into the house on his own. He agreed to taking a bath, which helps him decompress, and get the nastiness from the mulch off of you. He hasn't complained of pain at all, but he does have some bruises. My concern is for his left shoulder, since he didn't want to move it too much. So, we'll see what tomorrow brings.
I spoke with my 10-year-old regarding what happened. He said that he watched his brother carry the bike up the bars and couldn't believe what he was seeing. He said he called for us but we never came outside. I suggested that next time he run to the house, yelling for us, and that we'd likely hear him.
I introduced the words "dumbstruck" and "stupefied"...yay new spelling words! Unschooling ROCKS! Oh, and by the way, I homeschooled a special needs kid when I had my Breast Cancer Adventure five years ago...and if I can do it, YOU can do it, you guys. And finally, I'm looking forward to celebrating the fifth anniversary of my lumpectomy on Friday! But I'm disappointed that tattoo parlors are closed down...I was planning on getting a little something to commemorate the occasion...but since Coronavirus is still lurking out there...what will tomorrow bring? Really, at the end of the day, I just don't want you to be Mochi about what's happening. Because it is serious business. And always wear a bike helmet when you ride down a slide.
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